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宋光满  (自然保护地系)










[1] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Zhuang, J., Jin, J. 2024. Dynamics of leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters can well be tracked by coupling VIS-NIR-SWIR hyperspectral reflectance and light drivers in partial least-squares regression. Scientia Horticulturae, 325: 112651.

[2] Sun, XH., Wang, Q., Song, GM. 2024. Revisiting generic allometric equations for estimating forest aboveground biomass in Japan: Importance of incorporating plant functional types and origins. Biomass and Bioenergy, 180: 107025.

[3] Gan, Y., Wang, Q., Song, GM. 2024. Non-destructive estimation of deciduous forest metrics: comparisons between UAV-LiDAR, UAV-DAP, and terrestrial LiDAR leaf-off point clouds using two QSMs. Remote Sensing, 16: 697.

[4] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Jin J. 2023. Estimation of leaf photosynthetic capacity parameters using spectral indices developed from fractional-order derivatives. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 212: 108068.

[5] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Jin J. 2023. Fractional-order derivative spectral transformations improved partial least squares regression estimation of photosynthetic capacity from hyperspectral reflectance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61: 5510110.

[6] Song, GM., Wang, Q. 2023. Coupling effective variable selection with machine learning techniques for better estimating leaf photosynthetic capacity in a tree species (Fagus crenata Blume) from hyperspectral reflectance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 338: 109528.

[7] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Zhuang, J., Jin, J. 2023. Timely estimation of leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters under varying light regimes by coupling light drivers to leaf traits. Physiologia Plantarum, 175: e14048.

[8] Song, GM., Wang, Q. 2023. Species classification from hyperspectral leaf information using machine learning approaches. Ecological Informatics, 76: 102141.

[9] Song, GM., Wang, Q. 2023. Seasonal dynamics of photosynthetic nitrogen content and partitioning in deciduous forests. Photosynthesis Research, 156: 355-366.

[10] Yuan, SX., Song, GM., Gong, QH., Wang, Q., Wang, J., Chen, J. 2023. Reshaping leaf-level reflectance data for plant species discrimination: exploring image shape’s impact on deep learning results. Remote Sensing, 15: 5628.

[11] Zhuang, J., Wang, Q., Song, GM., Jin, J. 2023. Validating and developing hyperspectral indices for tracing leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters under varying light conditions. Remote Sensing, 15: 4890.

[12] Jin, J., Wang, Q., Song, GM. 2023. Exploring low order fractional derivative spectra indices for estimating leaf fuel moisture content across a variety of plant species. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44: 2342-2358.

[13] Gan, Y., Wang, Q., Matsuzawa, T., Song, GM, Iio, A. 2023. Multivariate regressions coupling colorimetric and textural features derived from UAV-based RGB images can trace spatiotemporal variations of LAI well in a deciduous forest. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44: 4559-4577.

[14] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Jin, J. 2022. Temporal instability of partial least squares regressions for estimating leaf photosynthetic traits from hyperspectral information. Journal of Plant Physiology, 279: 153831.

[15] Song, GM., Wang, Q. 2022. Developing hyperspectral indices for assessing seasonal variations in the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoid in deciduous forests. Remote Sensing, 14: 1324.

[16] Yuan, SX., Song, GM., Huang, GQ., Wang, Q. 2022. Reshaping hyperspectral data into a two-dimensional image for a CNN model to classify plant species from reflectance. Remote Sensing, 14: 3972.

[17] Jin, J., Wu, MJ., Song, GM., Wang, Q. 2022. Genetic algorithm captured the informative bands for partial least squares regression better on retrieving leaf nitrogen from hyperspectral reflectance. Remote Sensing, 14: 5204.

[18] Jin, J., Wang, Q., Song, GM. 2022. Selecting informative bands for partial least squares regressions improves their goodness‑of‑fits to estimate leaf photosynthetic parameters from hyperspectral data. Photosynthesis Research, 151: 71-82.

[19] Wang, Q., Purti, NA., Gan, Y., Song, GM. 2022. Combining both spectral and textural indices for alleviating saturation problem in forest LAI estimation using Sentinel-2 data. Geocarto International, 37: 10511-10531.

[20] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Jin, J. 2021. Exploring the instability of the relationship between maximum potential electron transport rate and maximum carboxylation rate in cool-temperate deciduous forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309: 108614.

[21] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Jin, J. 2021. Including leaf trait information helps empirical estimation of jmax from vcmax in cool-temperate deciduous forests. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 166: 839-848.

[22] Song, GM., Wang, Q. 2021. Including leaf traits improves a deep neural network model for predicting photosynthetic capacity from reflectance. Remote Sensing, 13: 4467.

[23] Song, GM., Wang, Q., Jin, J. 2020. Leaf photosynthetic capacity of sunlit and shaded mature leaves in a deciduous forest. Forests, 11: 318.

[24] Song, GM., Wang, J., Han, TT., Wang, Q., Ren, H., Zhu, HX., Wen, XY., Hui, DF. 2019.Changes in plant functional traits and their relationships with environmental factors along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou, China. Ecological Indicators, 106: 105558.

[25] Han, TT., Ren, H., Wang, J., Lu, HF., Song, GM., Chazdon, RL. 2020. Variations of leaf eco-physiological traits in relation to environmental factors during forest succession. Ecological Indicators, 117: 106511.

[26] Han, TT., Lu, HF., Ren, H., Wang, J., Song, GM., Hui, DF., Guo, QF., Zhu, SH. 2019. Are reproductive traits of dominant species associated with specific resource allocation strategies during forest succession in southern China? Ecological Indicators, 102: 538-546.

[27] 宋光满, 刘楠, 简曙光, 刘慧, 张炜, 韩涛涛, 王俊, 任海. 2018. 榄仁树的生理和生物学特性. 热带亚热带植物学报, 26: 40-46.

[28] 宋光满, 韩涛涛, 洪岚, 张玲玲, 李晓波, 任海. 2018. 演替过程中植物功能性状研究进展. 生态科学, 37: 207-213.

 [29] 韩涛涛, 刘楠, 宋光满, 陈昊雯, 张炜, 刘慧, 简曙光, 王俊, 任海. 2018. 海滨木巴戟的生理生态特征研究. 热带亚热带植物学报, 26: 33-39.

