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李丽  (生态学系)








2020~至今副教授 生态学和林学硕士生导师 南京林业大学

2022~2023: 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院气候变化研究所 (KIT-IMK, Garmisch, Germany) 博士后研究员 (人社部和德国亥姆霍兹联合会 Helmholtz–OCPC Postdoc Fellow 博士后奖学金

2018-2021: 博士后 中国科学院生态环境研究中心区域与生态国家重点实验室 

2016~2019: 讲师 南京林业大学


我的研究涉及3个全球环境变化主题包括大气活性氮沉降、升高的O3CO2浓度以及干旱胁迫对落叶林和热带竹林碳循环的影响。通过使用先进的原位传感技术和实验室仪器技术研究树木为主的植物对全球变化的一系列生理反应包括光合作用、非结构碳水化合物的产生、生物量分配、光合水分利用效率、叶片氮吸收、抗氧化酶活性温室气体和生物挥发性有机化合物的排放及其对区域O3形成的贡献。同时观察了树木物候期 (如衰老秋季落叶和发芽过程)的变化以量化叶片水平到整棵树和生态系统对大气污染和气候变化的反应。


2016 博士研究生毕业于中国科学院生态环境研究中心          北京 中国

2014-2015 家公派联培博士生  生态学 麻省大学Amherst分校麻省 美国

2011 硕士毕业于北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院             北京 中国 

2008 本科 毕业于内蒙古师范大学生命与科学学院(地区一本内蒙古 中国



(1) Li L, Li J, Wang X, et al. Reponses of morphological and biochemical traits of bamboo trees under elevated atmospheric O3 enrichment[J]. Environmental Research, 2024, 252: 119069. 

(2) 李丽,张帅,孙旭,等.间歇性空气O3暴露对小麦和大豆产量和生物量的影响.生态学报, 2025, 44(23):10875-10886.DOI: 10.20103/j.stxb.202402260394 

Li Li, et al. Effects of intermittent atmospheric O3 exposure on wheat and soybean yield and biomass. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2025, 44(23):10875-10886.

(3) Li Li, Jinhling Li, Xiaoke Wang*. Reduction of growth and alteration of nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) allocation in a sympodial bamboo (Indocalamus decorus) under atmospheric O3 enrichment. Science of the total environment. 2022, 826: 154096 (IF=10.75)

(4) Li Li, William J. Manning, Lei Tong, Wang Xiaoke*. Drought stress reduced but not protect Shantung maple (Acer truncatum Bunge) from adverse effects of ozone (O3) on growth and physiology in the suburb of Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution. 2015, 201: 34~41. (IF=9.99)

(5) Li Li*, Wang X and Manning WJ. Effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on leaf senescence and late-season net photosynthesis of red maple (Acer rubrum). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2020, 231:467. (IF=2.52)

(6) Li Li*, Wang X and Manning WJ. Effects of Elevated CO2 on leaf senescence, leaf nitrogen resorption, and late-season photosynthesis in Tilia americana L. Frontiers in plant science. 2019, 10:1217. (IF=6.68)

(7) Li Li*, William J. Manning, Wang Xiaoke. Elevated CO2 increases root mass and leaf nitrogen resorption in red maple (Acer rubrum L.) for more N demand. Forests, 2019, 10: 420. (IF=3.28)

(8) Li Li*, William J. Manning, Wang Xiaoke. Autumnal leaf abscission of sugar maple is not delayed by atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Photosynthetica. 2018, 56 (4): 1134~1139. (IF=2.48)

(9) Li Li, Xiaoke Wang*, Junfeng Niu, Jian Cui, Qianqian Zhang, Wuxing Wan, Bojie Liu. Effects of elevated atmospheric O3 concentrations on early and late leaf growth and elemental contents of Acer truncatum Bung under mild drought, Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2017, 37(1): 31~34. (In Chinese with English abstract)

(10) Li Li, Ruqing Wu, Jingling Li, Xiaoke Wang*.  Effects of elevated O3 concentration and nitrogen deposition on photosynthesis, accumulation and allocation of biomass and nonstructural carbohydrates in soybean. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2022, 42(17):7198-7209.  (In Chinese with English abstract)

(11) Li Li, Niu Junfeng, Wang Xiaoke, et al. The effects of elevated ozone and chronic drought on leaf pigments and abscisic acid contents in early and late-flush leaves of Shantung maple (Acer truncatum Bunge). Acta Ecologica Sinica(English).2016, 36(21): 6804~6811.

(12) Li Li, Gao Jun-qin, Lei Guang-chun, et al. Distribution patterns of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in Zoigê peatland with different ground water table. Chinese Journal of Ecology. 2011, 30(11): 2449~2455. (In Chinese with English abstract)

(13) Li Li, Lei Guang-Chun, Gao Jun-Qin, et al. Effect of water table and soil water content on methane emission flux at Carex muliensis Marshes in Zoige Plateau. Wetland Science. 2011, 9(2): 173~178. (In Chinese with English abstract)

(14) Li Li, William Mannjing, Wang Xiaoke. Effects of elevated atmospheric O3 on growth and biomass of cherry radish. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Sciences Edition). 2019, 43(5):187~192. (In Chinese with English abstract)

(15) 杨滨锴,姜萌微,王超,李丽*,王福升,王效科,董丽娜. 不同秆龄毛竹生长季叶片挥发性有机物组成和异戊二烯排放日变化研究. 环境科学学报. 2024, 已接受


1 Jiahuan Guo, Huili Feng, Changhui Peng, Huai Chen, Xuan Xu, Xuehong Ma, Li Li, Daniel Kneeshaw, Honghua Ruan, Hongqiang Yang, Weifeng Wang. Global climate change increases terrestrial soil CH4 emissions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2023, 37(1):  e2021GB007255.(IF=6.50)

2 Bowen Cui, Xiaoke Wang, Yuebo Su, Yuan Yuan Chen, Wei Wei Yu, Cheng Gong, Li Li, Abdur Rehim, Xiaoke Wang*. Impacts of pavement on the growth and biomass of young pine, ash and maple trees. Trees. 2021, 35: 2019-2029. (IF=2.88)

3 Yuanyuan Chen, Xiaoke Wang, Bo Jiang, Li, Li. The leaf phenophase of deciduous species altered by land pavements. International journal of biometeorology, 2018, 62, 949-959.(IF=3.74)

4 Yuanyuan Chen, Xiaoke Wang, Bo Jiang, Zhi Wen, Ning Yang, Li, Li. Tree survival and growth are impacted by increased surface temperature on paved land. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2017, 162: 68-79.(IF=8.12)

5 Yuanyuan Chen, Xiaoke Wang, Bo Jiang, Y Ning Yang, Li, Li. Pavement induced soil warming accelerates leaf budburst of ash trees. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2016, 16:36-42. (IF=5.77)

6 Zhi Wen, Li Wang, Li Li, Xiaoke Wang. Compound effects of O3 and drought stress on stomatal characteristics of maple leaves. Journal of Ecology, 2014, (003):033. (In Chinese with English abstract)

7 Junfeng Niu, Weiwei Zhang, Li Li, Xiaoke Wang, Zhaozhong Feng, Zhiyun Ouyang, Fangfang Yao. Effects of elevated ozone on foliar chlorophyll content and antioxidant capacity in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora under enhanced nitrogen loads. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2012, 32(16):5062-5070. (In Chinese with English abstract)

8 Meng Yang, Hongli Li, Ting Lei, Yan Zhou, Cai Lv, Li Li, Guangchun Lei. Spatial-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of methane emission flux from Miyun Reservoir in Beijing.Wetland Science, 2011, 9(2):191-197.

9 Junqing Gao, Guangchun Lei, Li Li, Cai LV, Mingying Bai. Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in three wetlands on the Zoige Plateau[J].Wetland Science, 2010, 8(4):4. (In Chinese with English abstract)

10 Meng Yang, Hongli Li, Ting Lei, Yan Zhou, Cai Lv, Li Li, Guangchun Lei*. Spatial-temporal characteristics and influencing factors of methane emission flux from Miyun Reservoir in Beijing.Wetland Science, 2011, 9(2):191~197. (In Chinese with English abstract)

11 Junqing Gao, Guangchun Lei*, Li Li, Cai LV, Mingying Bai. Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in three wetlands on the Zoige Plateau. Wetland Science, 2010, 8(4):4. (In Chinese with English abstract)

12 WANG Chao, YANG Binkai, LI Li*, CUI Bowen, WANG Fusheng, WANG Xiaoke. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emission inventory and isoprene emission flux of 11 common subtropical bamboo species in spring. Journal of Chinese Ecology2024 Accepted.  (In Chinese with English abstract)

13 Cao P., Wang, W., Xu, X., Li, L., Yu, S., Wu, Y., ... & Wang, M. Responses of non-structural carbohydrate content to different stand densities and configurations in poplar plantations. New Forests, 2023, 1-19.



李丽 第六章湿地生物碳汇扩增中国工程院生物碳汇扩增战略研究组生物碳汇扩增战略研究. 2015, 中国科学出版社中国北京(ISBN:9787030457813)




(1) European Geosciences Union (EGU). 24-28th April 2023, Vienna, Austria. Poster 

(2) European Geosciences Union (EGU). 24-28th April 2023, Vienna, Austria. Oral presentation. 

(3) The 34th ICP Vegetation Task Force meeting, 22-25th February 2021, UK. Poster online

(4) The 1st International Workshop of "Air Pollution Impacts on Crops and Ecosystems" (APICE), 14th May 2018, Beijing, China. Oral presentation

(5) The 29th International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) Congress, 13-17th May 2018, Guangxi, China. Oral presentation

(6) 1st Asian Air Pollution Workshop, 2nd November 2015, Tokyo, Japan. Poster

(7) The 9th Air Pollution and Global Change Symposium, 8-12nd June 2014, California, USA. Oral presentation



2023年12月14日 第29届大气环境科学与技术大会  大气污染与环境效应分会场 口头报告

2019118—11 第七届中国林业学术大会(分会场主持人中国南京   口头报告

201854—6 中国生态学大会 中国南京 口头报告



(1) 2024 EGU 共同召集人Co-convenor of session “Nitrogen Cycling in the Anthropocene: Microbiological Processes, Land-atmosphere- Interactions and Global Change Feedbacks”. Proposed programme group: General Biogeosciences. Proposed

(2) 2023EGU 优秀博士报告评委  Judge for the Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) contest at the EGU General Assembly 2023


(1) 2022: "青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师 (No. ZD202130)             江苏省教育厅  

(2) 2021: Helmholtz-OCPC 博士后奖学金 (No. ZD202130)                人社部  

(3) 2020: 梁希青年优秀论文二等奖                                                 中国林学会

(4) 2014: CSC博士联合培养奖学金                                                国家留学基金委

(5) 2016: 校级优秀三好学生标兵                                                    中国科学院大学

(6) 2015: 第十四届中国生态学大会优秀研究生报告奖(1)    中国生态学会

(7) 2012-2014: 一等奖学金                                                               中国科学院大学

(8) 2008-2010: 一等奖学                                                                       北京林业大学



英国Royal Society 学术交流基金(海外共同申请人) (No. 242644) (2025-2026)


2024 国家环保部南京环科院国家生态定位站开放基金

2022 江苏省教育厅  江苏省 “青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师培养计划         

2021 中国人社部 中德博士后交流项目 (OCPC Fellow) (ZD202130)              

2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (32171586)                                                   

2020 中国科学院城市与区域国家重点实验室开放基金 (SKLURE 2021-2-3)     

2018 中国博士后面上基金二等资助 (2018M631595)                        

2016 南京林业大学青年科技创新基金 (2016035M)                           

2017 国家自然科学青年基金 (31700439)                                         


 Hosted scientific research projects and talent training projects:

1. 2016 Nanjing Forestry University Youth Science and Technology Innovation Fund (2016035M) 100,000 RMB

2. 2017 The Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31700439) 260,000 RMB

3. 2018 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project (2018M631595) 50,000 RMB

4. 2020 Open Fund of State key Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SKLURE 2021-2-3) 100,000 RMB

5. 2021 National Natural Science Foundation of China (32171586) 580,000 RMB

6. 2021 Helmholtz-OCPC Postdoc Fellowship (ZD202130) 300,000 RMB

7. 2022 Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, "Qinglan Project" Excellent Young Teacher Training Program 40,000 RMB



1. 2019-2020. 国家自然科学基金间歇性臭氧暴露下作物的自我修复机制、响应衰变特征和产量损失研究(31971509)

2. 2021-2022. 国家重点研发计划森林生态系统碳储量的精确测量与动态估算(2021YFD2200404)

3. 2021.1-2024. 国家自然科学基金基于过程模型的松栎混交林固碳能力的间伐效应研究 (32071763)

4. 2012-2015. 国家自然科学基金干旱胁迫下城市林木生长和水分利用对臭氧污染的响应机制(31170424)


硕士生课程 污染生态学

本科生课程 竹林生态学

共指导研究生10, 5名毕业, 5名在读



Courses:Air Pollution Ecology for postgraduate students

         Bamboo Ecologyfor graduate students


1.      2019年度教学质量提升工程项目—— 一流课堂与教学方法-翻转课堂(类别)   0.8万元

2.      2021年度教学质量提升工程项目—— 教学质量提升工程一流课程四新建设项目 2万元


Education Reform Project Hosted

 2019 Teaching Quality Improvement Project – Excellent Courses and Teaching Skills - Flipped Class SPOCS          Bamboo Ecology8,000 RMB

  2021 Teaching Quality Improvement Project. New course:Chinese bamboo culture20,000 RMB




