拟投稿或审稿中论文 通讯*(和一作)
(1) Qitao Xiao, Jianing Chen, Jianming Deng*
, Minliang Jiang, Cheng Hu(*). Dual roles of nutrient in determining the dissolved inorganic carbon variability of a eutrophic lake with algal blooms. (Under review) (审稿中)
(2) Cheng Hu(*), Huili Liu, ..... and Wei Xiao. Constraint on anthropogenic carbon monixide emissions in Yangtze River Delta Region, China. (To be submitted)
(3) Junqing Zhang, Fan Sun, Qianli Ma(*), Yifan Zhang, Yu Cui, Xiaofei Xu, Meng Shan,***, Wei Xiao and Cheng Hu(*). Observed vertical and hozirontal gradient of atmospheric CH4 concentration and its contribution partition at city city scale. (Under review) (审稿中)
(4) Chenxi Han, Yu Cui, Qitao Xiao, Huili Liu, Shuxiu Hou, Guoqiang Bai, Yifan Zhang, Xuejing Shi, Fan Sun, Junqing Zhang, Xin Chen, Ning Hu, Wei Xiao, Cheng Hu(*). Projection regional CO2 emissions pathways and carbon neutrality potential in China: an integrated assessment framwork combining multiple inventories and SSP scenarios (Under review, 审稿中) .
(5) Lei Hong(#), Cheng Hu(#), Minliang Jiang, Xuejing Shi, Juhua Luo, Qitao Xiao. Long-term carbon dioxide dynamics variability at submerged macrophyte habitat of a subtropical shallow lake. (Under review) (审稿中)
已发表或录用论文(* 标注为通讯作者,分区表为中科院分区):
(63) Cheng Hu(*), Huili Liu, Yifan Zhang, Yu Cui, Fan Sun, Xuejing Shi, Junqing Zhang, Yanrong Yang, Leying Zhang, Bing Qi(*), Qitao Xiao, Ning Hu, Timothy J. Griffis and Wei Xiao (2025). Observed CO2 concentration reveals steep decrease of anthropogenic emissions in winters of 2021 and 2022 in Hangzhou and Yangtze River Delta region, China. (Science of the Total Environment) (一区, top期刊)
(61) 杨樱,马心怡,黄文晶,胡诚,胡凝,张弥,曹畅,柳艺博,肖薇。基于WRF-STILT模型反演长三角大气CO2排放,中国环境科学
(60) Xuejing Shi(#), Yiyi Peng(#), Shumin Wang, Yifan Zhang, Junqing Zhang, Hao Song, Yu Cui, Fan Sun, Huili Liu, Qitao Xiao*, Ning Hu, Wei Xiao, Timothy J. Griffis and Cheng Hu(*) (2025). Revising the coal mining CH4 emission factor based on multiple inventories and atmospheric inversion approach at one of world's largest coal production area: Shanxi province, China. (Science of the Total Environment) (一区, top期刊)
2024年: (59) Qitao Xiao, Dongyao Shang, Jianing Chen, Mi Zhang*, Cheng Hu, Zhenghua Hu (2024). High carbon to nitrogen ratio linked to significant diffusive methane emissions from pen aquaculture of a subtropical shallow lake. (Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment), (一区, top期刊)
(58) Bing Qi, Cheng Hu(*), Yan Yu, Yuting Pang, Fangqi Wu, Xinjie Yang, Huili Liu, Junqing Zhang, Qitao Xiao, Cheng Liu, Wei Xiao (2024). Using urban-suburban difference of atmospheric CO2 to evaluate carbon neutrality capacity in Hangzhou city, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2024.10.027 (二区),【论文解读:碳中和能力和现状(carbon neutrality capacity)是评估任何地区是否能实现碳中和的最核心指标,可由当前碳汇(尤其森林等自然生态系统)除以人为碳排放量得到,但是城市尺度的碳中和能力评估的准确性依旧是当今研究碳循环中的重难点问题,存在高度的不确定性和误差;本研究创新性地结合杭州市多站点观测到的一整年小时尺度的大气CO2浓度数据,基于大气传输模型反演了杭州市人为碳排放现状,并结合5个森林/草地生态系统CO2净交换NEE模拟数据,评估了杭州市当前的碳中和现状,并基于未来植被树龄-NEE的非线性关系,评估了2060年杭州市达到碳中和的途径,指出若以森林等自然生态系统作为主要碳汇来源,则需要在2060年降低60-80%的人为碳排放量,该研究为我国开展城市尺度碳排放反演,以及评估碳中和能力提供了“自上而下”的方法参考】
(57) 胡诚(*),张俊清,刘慧丽,史雪静,孙帆,肖薇 (2024)。城市尺度温室气体排放量的反演研究进展及未来发展趋势。中国环境科学(中文EI期刊)
(56) Junqing Zhang, Dan Ji, Hu Cheng(*), Timothy J. Griffis, Qitao Xiao, Xinyue Ai, Huili Liu, Xuejing Shi, Fan Sun, Bing Qi, Wei Xiao(2024). Multiple-model based simulation of urban atmospheric methane concentration and the attibutions to its seasonal variations: a case study in Hangzhou megacity, China. Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124781. (二区,top期刊) 【论文解读:城市是CH4排放的热点区域,城市大气中CH4浓度包含着重要的碳排放信息,且同时受到大气传输过程的影响。本研究基于在杭州市观测到的1整年高精度小时尺度大气CH4浓度数据,结合3种不同原理的模型(WRF-STILT,多元回归,机器学习)方法,首先模拟和评估了不同模型的性能,并进一步量化了不同CH4排放源、排放区对杭州市大气CH4季节变化的贡献,明晰了城市大气CH4不同时间尺度上变化的控制机理,该研究为杭州市开展减污降碳措施提供了方法借鉴和技术指导。】
(55) Huili Liu, Hu Cheng(*), Qitao Xiao*, Junqing Zhang , Fan Sun , Xuejing Shi , Xin Chen, Yanrong Yang, Wei Xiao. Analysis of anthropogenic CO2 emission uncertainty and influencing factors at city scale in Yangtze River Delta region: one of the world's largest emission hotspots (2024), Atmospheric Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2024.102281. (三区)。【论文解读:本研究基于全球6种广泛使用的CO2排放清单,评估了长三角城市尺度上CO2排放量的不确定性及来源,并基于GDP收入水平,人口数据,夜晚灯光指数,大气CO2浓度等指示因子,量化了其与CO2排放量不确定性的(非)线性关系,进而结合植被碳汇量,指明了CO2排放清单不确定性对评估长三角碳中和现状的影响,并指出潜在改进方向】
(54) Minliang Jiang, Qitao Xiao(*), Jianmin Deng, Mi Zhang, Zhang Xinyue Zhang, Hu Cheng(*), Wei Xiao (2024). Ecological water diversion activity changes the fate of carbon in a eutrophic lake. Environmental Research,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.117959. (一区,top期刊)【论文解读:本研究通过在中国第三大淡水湖泊太湖及其流域开展多年的水体CO2和CH4浓度及通量观测,发现湖泊水量管理是导致湖泊和河流碳氮循环的重要控制因子,并对多年尺度下人为水管理对碳通量空间格局及其影响机制进行了解析和准确量化】
(53) Cheng Liu, Jianping Huang(*), Cheng Hu, Xuhui Lee (2024). Sensitivity of surface downward longwave radiation to aerosol optical depth over the Lake Taihu region, China. Atmospheric Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107444. (二区,top期刊)
(52) Qitao Xiao, Yuan Zhou, Juhua Luo(*), Cheng Hu, Hongtao Duan, Yinguo Qiu, Mi Zhang, Zhenghua Hu, Wei Xiao (2024). Low carbon dioxide emissions from aquaculture farm of lake revealed by long-term measurements. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2023.108851. (一区,top期刊)
(51) 李倩倩,杨艳蓉,张文艺,张乐英,胡诚,等(2024),2000-2022年森林经营与干旱干扰对东北三省森林NPP的影响,水土保持通报。 2023年: (50) Qitao Xiao, Wei Xiao, Juhua Luo, Yinguo Qiu, Cheng Hu, Mi Zhang, Tianci Qi and Hongtao Duan (2023). Management actions mitigate the risk of carbon dioxide emissions from urban lakes. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118626 (一区,top期刊)
(49) Hu Cheng(*), Wei Xiao, Timothy J. Griffis(*), Qitao Xiao(*), Shumin Wang, Yuzhong Zhang, Xin Chen, Weifeng Wang, Linyun Zhu(*), Xueying Yu, Xuhui Lee. (2023). Evaluation of anthropogenic CH4 and CO2 emissions in Taiyuan-Jinzhong region: one of the world's largest emission hotspots. Journal of Geophysical Research-atmospheres, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD037915 (自然指数期刊,Nature Index journal, top期刊) 【论文解读:本研究反演得到了位于我国山西省太原市-晋中市的最大煤炭开采区和重工业区的CH4和CO2的排放量,该地区也是全球最高的人为源CH4和CO2排放区,并基于反演结果计算了煤炭甲烷泄露的排放因子,并发现当地存在CO2排放严重低估的情况】
(48) Hu Cheng, Junqing Zhang, Bing Qi(*), Rongguang Du(*), Xiaofeng Xu, Haoyu Xiong, Huili Liu, Xinyue Ai, Yiyi Peng, Wei Xiao (2023), Global warming will largely increase urban CH4 emissions in Chinese Megacities: insight from the first city scale CH4 concentration observation network in Hangzhou city, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-4501-2023, (一区,top期刊)【论文解读:本研究反演得到了垃圾处理过程(包括固废填埋和污水处理)的甲烷CH4排放量,并发现其存在显著的温度敏感性和与气候变化的正向反馈作用,并进一步量化了从2020到2100年我国垃圾处理过程甲烷排放因子的变化趋势,提出了基于未来气候变化情景的垃圾处理过程甲烷排放清单的改进策略】
(47) Xinyue Ai, Hu Cheng(*), Yanrong Yang, Leying Zhang, Huili Liu, Junqing Zhang, Xin Chen, Guoqiang Bai and Wei Xiao (2023), Quantification of China's atmospheric CH4 enhancement changes and its contributions based on machine learning approach, Journal of Environmental Sciences,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2023.03.010. (二区).【论文解读:本研究基于机器学习方法和卫星浓度观测数据,量化了2000-2020年我国中东部甲烷高排放区浓度增长的趋势及控制因子,并量化了不同排放源的相对贡献】
(46) Peng yiyi, Hu Cheng(*), Xinyue Ai, Yuanyuan Li, Leyun Gao, Huili Liu, Junqing Zhang, Wei Xiao (2023), "Improvement of simulating urban atmospheric CO2 concentration by coupling with emission height and dynamic PBLH variations in WRF-STILT model" Atmosphere, 2023, 14(2), 223; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos14020223. (四区,期刊约稿,全额免版面费)(第一作者为所带“本科生大创项目”组的生态系大三学生)。【论文解读:本研究把边界层高度的动态变化信息和排放源高度信息相耦合,改进了电力行业等拥有排放高度的强点源在传统WRF-STILT模型中被完全忽略的问题,该结果优化了WRF-STILT模型在夜晚的温室气体浓度模拟能力】
(45) Huili Feng, Jiahuan Guo, Changhui Peng, Xuehong Ma, Daniel Kneeshaw, Huai Chen, Qiuyu Liu, Mengyao Liu, Cheng Hu, Weifeng Wang, Global estimates of forest soil methane flux identify a temperate and tropical forest methane sink, Geoderma, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2022.116239 (一区,top期刊)
(44) Wenyi Zhang, Yanrong Yang(*), Cheng Hu, Leying Zhang, Bo Hou, Weifeng Wang, Qianqian Li, Yansong Li, NPP and carbon emissions under forest fire disturbance in southwest and northeast China from 2001 to 2020. 2023, Forests, https://doi.org/10.3390/f14050999 (二区)
(43) Hongtao Duan, Qitao Xiao, Tianci Qi, Cheng Hu, Mi Zhang, Ming Shen, Zhenghua Hu, Wei Wang, Wei Xiao, Yinguo Qiu, Juhua Luo, Xuhui Lee (2023). Quantification of diffusive methane emissions from a large eutrophic lake with satellite imagery. Environmental Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c05631. (一区,top期刊)
2022年: (42) Qitao Xiao, Hu Cheng (*), Zhenjing Liu, Wei Xiao, Mi Zhang, Zhenghua Hu, Wei Wang, Juhua Luo, Yingguo Qiu, Xuhui Lee, Hongtao Duan(*), (2022)"Aquaculture farm largely increase indirect nitrous oxide emission factors of lake". Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108212, (一区,top期刊), 【论文解读:本研究基于多站点、多年的水体N2O浓度观测数据,计算了不同养殖水体N2O的排放量以及排放因子,从数值上量化并提出了水产养殖极大增加了间接N2O排放量的新观点】
(41) Hu Cheng(*), Lingjun Xia, Timothy J. Griffis, Wei Xiao,(2022) et al., Anthropogenic CO2 emission reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nanchang city, China. Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119767, (top期刊)。【论文解读:本研究基于江西省南昌市的3年CO2浓度观测数据,反演了新冠疫情期间及前后一年CO2排放量,并指出社会用电需求减少导致的火力发电站CO2排放量的降低是导致全市CO2总排放量降低的主要贡献者。】
(40) Hu Cheng(*), Cheng Liu, Ning Hu, Jun Hong, and Xinyue Ai. (2022). Government environmental control measures on CO2 emission during Nanjing Youth Olympic Games: perspectives from a top-down approach. Journl of Enviromental Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2021.04.016, (二区). 【论文解读:本研究结合大气CO2浓度和13CO2同位素数据,反演得到了2014年南京青奥会CO2的排放量,所使用的研究方法可为量化社会管控期间CO2排放量的变化提供新思路】
(39) 胡诚,艾昕悦,候波,夏玲君. 2020年新冠疫情前后南昌市大气CO2浓度变化及影响因子分析[J].南京信息工程大学学报,,2022 12(10).【本研究分析了新冠疫情前后南昌市大气CO2浓度变化及不同因素地相对贡献】
(37) 荆思佳,肖薇,王晶苑,郑有飞,王伟,刘强,张圳,胡诚.1958-2017年太湖蒸发量年际变化趋势及主控因子[J].湖泊科学,2022,第34卷(5): 1697-1711
2021年: (36)Hu Cheng(*),Timothy J. Griffis(*), Alexander Frie, John M. Baker, Jeffrey D. Wood, Dylan B. Millet, Zhongjie Yu, Xueying Yu, and Alan C. Czarnetzki (2021). A multiyear constraint on ammonia emissions and deposition within the U.S. Corn Belt(2021). Geophysical Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL090865. (一区,自然 指数期刊,Nature Index journal, top期刊) 【论文解读:本研究在全球最大的农业种植区-美国玉米带开展观测和模拟工作,使用3年观测的高塔NH3浓度,结合WRF-Chem模型,反演和评估了农业区NH3的排放量,并进一步模拟了在自然生态系统的干湿沉降特征及影响机理】
(35) Huang wenjing, T.J.Griffis, Hu Cheng, Xiao Wei, Lee xuhui. (2021), Seasonal variations of CH4 emissions in the Yangtze River Delta region of China driven by agricultural activity. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. doi:10.1007/s00376-021-0383-9. (二区)
(34) Hu Cheng (*), Jiaping Xu, Cheng Liu, Yan Chen, Dong Yang, Wenjing Huang, Lichen Deng, Shoudong Liu, Timothy J. Griffis (*), Xuhui Lee(2021). Anthropogenic and natural controls on atmospheric delta13C-CO2 variations in the Yangtze River Delta: Insights from a carbon isotope modeling framework. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-10015-2021, (一区,top期刊)【论文解读:本研究对WRF-STILT模型进行了模块改进和优化,创新性地在WRF-STILT开发和新增了 13C-CO2同位素模块,并在全球首次开展了城市内部大气13C-CO2浓度的观测和模拟研究,量化了引起大气13C-CO2季节变化的排放源,气候等控制因子】
(33) Xiao Qitao, Hu zhenghua(*), Hu Cheng and Xuhui Lee (2021). A highly agricultural river network in Jurong Reservoir watershed as significant CO2 and CH4 sources. Science of the Total Enviroment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144558 (二区,top)
(32) Liu Cheng, Huangjianping, Hu Fei, Hu Cheng, Wang yongwei, Fang xiaozhen, Luo Li, Xiao hongwei, Xiaohuayun (2021). Evaluation of WRF-Chem simulations on vertical profiles of PM2.5 with UAV observations during a haze pollution event. Atmospheric Enviroment, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118332.(二区,top)
(31) 黄鑫,李亚丽,···胡诚,1980-2016年陕西省冬季霾日数时空变化及增多成因初探,中国环境科学,2019,39(09)
(30) Zhao Kaihui, Hu Cheng (*), Zibing Yuan, Shu Zhang, Rongsheng Jiang(2020). A modeling study of the impact of stratospheric intrusion on ozone enhancement in the lower troposphere over the Hong Kong regions, China. Atmospheric Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105158. (一区,top).【论文解读:本研究基于WRF-Chem模型和香港地区大气臭氧O3浓度观测数据,精细化地模拟和量化了平流层入侵对对流层和近地表O3浓度升高地贡献及其控制机制。】
2019年: (29) Hu Cheng(*), T.J. Griffis(*), J.M. Baker, J.D. Wood, D.B. Millet and X. Lee (2019). Modeling the sources and transport processes during extreme ammonia episodes in the U.S. Corn Belt, Journal of Geophysical Research-atmospheres, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD031207. (自然 指数期刊,Nature Index journal, top期刊) 【论文解读:本研究结合WRF-Chem模型和基于高塔观测到地大气NH3浓度数据,模拟和评估了大气传输过程和排放源汇对全球最大农业区NH3浓度年尺度上的相对贡献及其影响机制】
(28) T.J. Griffis(*), Hu Cheng, J.M. Baker, J.D. Wood, D.B. Millet, M. Erickson, Z. Yu, J. Deventer, C. Winker, and Z. Chen (2019). Tall tower ammonia observations and emission estimates in the US Midwest. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JG005172. (二区) 【论文解读:本研究结合基于高塔浓度观测地大气氨NH3梯度观测数据,采用微气象学方法,从梯度扩散的角度计算了NH3的排放量及其干湿沉降贡献】
(27) Hu Cheng(*), TJ Griffis(*), S Liu, W Xiao, N Hu, W Huang, D Yang, X Lee(*) (2019). Anthropogenic methane emission and its partitioning for the Yangtze River Delta region of China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JG004850 (二区) 【论文解读:本研究结合南京市观测到的大气CH4浓度数据和WRF-STILT方法,使用贝叶斯原理开展了长三角地区CH4排放量的反演,也是我国首次基于WRF-STILT模型和贝叶斯方法开展的区域尺度CH4排放量的反演研究工作】
(26) Cheng Liu, Jianping Huang, Yongwei Wang, Xinyu Tao, Cheng Hu, Lichen Deng, Jiaping Xu, Hong-Wei Xiao, Li Luo, Hua-Yun Xiao (2019). Vertical distribution of PM2.5 and interactions with the atmospheric boundary layer during the development stage of a heavy haze pollution event. Science of the Total Enviroment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135329 (二区)
(25) Huang W, W Xiao, M Zhang, W Wang, J Xu, Y Hu, Cheng Hu, S Liu, X Lee (2019) Anthropogenic CH4 Emissions in the Yangtze River Delta Based on a “Top-down” Method. Atmosphere, 10(4), 185; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10040185(二区)
(24)荆思佳,肖薇,王伟,刘强,张圳,胡诚,李旭辉.CLM4-LISSS模型对太湖多时间尺度水热通量模拟性能的评估[J].湖泊科学,2019,第31卷(6): 1698-1712
2018年: (23)Hu Cheng(*), T.J. Griffis, X. Lee, D.B. Millet, Z. Chen, J.M. Baker, and K. Xiao(2018). Top-down constraints on anthropogenic CO2 emissions within an agricultural-urban landscape. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres. (自然 指数期刊,Nature Index journal, top期刊) https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JD027881. 【论文解读:本研究基于在美国Minneapolis-saint paul郊区开展的大气 13C-CO2 和CO2浓度观测,采用大气传输模型、Keeling 和 Miller-Tans方法,量化了冬季居民区天然气的使用对大气CO2浓度的贡献以及所占城市CO2总排放量的比例】
(22)Hu Cheng(*), Liu Shoudong(*), Wang Yongwei, Zhang Mi, Xiao Wei, Xu Jiaping (2018). Anthropogenic CO2 emissions from a megacity in the Yangtze River Delta of China. Enviromental Science and Pollution Research, 25:23157, (三区) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-2325-3. 【论文解读:基于WRF-STILT模型,对南京市大气CO2浓度的模拟】
(21)Z. Chen, T.J. Griffis, J.M. Baker, D.B. Millet, J.D. Wood, E.J. Dlugokencky, A. E. Andrews, C. Sweeney, Cheng Hu, R.K. Kolka(2018). “Source partitioning of methane emissions and its seasonality in the U.S. Midwest”, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2018, 123, 646-659.
(20) Xiao K, TJ Griffis, JM Baker, PV Bolstad, MD Erickson, X Lee, JD Wood,Cheng Hu, JL Nieber (2018) Evaporation from a temperate closed-basin lake and its impact on present, past, and future water level. Journal of Hydrology, 561: 59-75. (中科院1区,top期刊)
2017年及之前: (19)胡诚,张弥,肖薇,等.基于WRF-STILT模型对高塔CO2浓度的模拟研究[J].中国环境科学,2017,37(7):2424-2437.(EI期刊) (18) Xiao Q, M Zhang, Z Hu, Y Gao, Cheng Hu, C Liu, S Liu, Z Zhang, J Zhao, W Xiao, X Lee (2017) Spatial variations of methane emission in a large shallow eutrophic lake in subtropical climate. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 122, 1597-1614.
(17) Wang Y, Y Gao, H Qin, J Huang, C Liu, Cheng Hu, W Wang, S Liu, X Lee. Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Lake Breezes over Lake Taihu, China[J]. Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology, 2017, 56(7).
(14) Hu Cheng, Wang Yongwei, Wang Wei, S Liu, M Piao, W Xiao, X Lee (*) (2016). Trends in evaporation of a large subtropical lake. Theoretical & Applied Climatology, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-016-1768-z. (三区)【论文解读:本研究基于在太湖用涡度相关方法观测的半小时尺度湖水蒸发数据,结合湖泊动力学模型和校正后的再分析数据,模拟了1979-2013年太湖蒸发的年际变化特征及气候驱动因子,发现温度和短波辐射是导致30多年蒸发快速增加的主要控制因子,并对其进行了量化】
(12)肖薇,符靖茹,王伟,温学发,徐敬争,肖启涛,胡诚,刘寿东,李旭辉.用稳定同位素方法估算大型浅水湖泊蒸发量——以太湖为例[J].湖泊科学,2017,(4): 1009-1017
(11)赵佳玉,张弥,肖薇,王伟,吴红艳,张圳,肖启涛,胡诚,于洲,曹正达,徐敬争,刘寿,东,李旭辉.基于光谱分析仪的通量-梯度法测量小型池塘水-气界面温室气体交换通量[J].环境科学,2017,第38卷(1): 41-51
(10) Gao Y, X Lee, S Liu, N Hu, X Wei, Cheng Hu, C Liu, Z Zhang, Y Yang (2017) Spatiotemporal variability of the near-surface CO2 concentration across an industrial-urban-rural transect, Nanjing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 631-632: 1192-1200.
(9) Xiao W, X Wen, W Wang, Q Xiao, J Xu, C Cao, J Xu,Cheng Hu, J Shen, S Liu, X Lee(2016). Spatial distribution and temporal variability of stable water isotopes in a large and shallow lake.[J]. Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies, 2016, 52(4-5):443.
(8) Wang W, JP Xu, Y Gao, I Bogoev, J Cui, L Deng, Cheng Hu, C Liu, S Liu, J Shen, X Sun, W Xiao, G Yuan, X Lee . Performance evaluation of an integrated open-path eddy covariance system in a cold desert environment[J]. Journal of Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, 2016, 33(11).
(7)程昕,王咏薇,胡诚,等.应用E-ε湍流动能闭合湖泊热力学过程模型对东太湖湖-气交换的模拟[J].气象学报, 2016, 74(4):633-645.
(5)黄锐,赵佳玉,肖薇,刘寿东,李汉超,徐敬争,胡诚,肖启涛.太湖辐射和能量收支的时间变化特征[J].长江流域资源与环境,2016,第25卷(5): 733-742
(4)曹正达,刘寿东,肖启涛,徐家平,胡诚,张圳,肖薇.太湖湖-气界面动量和水热交换系数时间变化特征及其影响因素分析[J].科学技术与工程,2016,第16卷(24): 1-9
(3)徐敬争,肖薇,肖启涛,王伟,温学发,胡诚,刘诚,刘寿东,李旭辉.湖水氢氧同位素组分的时间变化特征及影响因子分析[J].环境科学,2016,第37卷(7): 2470-2477
(2) Xiao W, S Liu, H Li, Q Xiao, W Wang, Z Hu, Cheng Hu, Y Gao, J Shen, X Zhao, M Zhang, X Lee(2014) . A flux-gradient system for simultaneous measurement of the CH4, CO2, and H2O fluxes at a lake-air interface.[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(24):14490. (中科院1区,top期刊)
(1) Lee X, S Liu, W Xiao, W Wang, Z Gao, C Cao, Cheng Hu, Z Hu, S Shen, Y Wang, X Wen, Q Xiao, J Xu, J Yang, M Zhang. The Taihu Eddy Flux Network: An Observational Program on Energy, Water, and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes of a Large Freshwater Lake(2014). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2014, 95. (中科院1区,top期刊)
胡诚,张乐英,林科类高校气象类课程教学与实践改革建议,新教育时代电子杂志(教师版),2021,06. 张乐英,徐丹丹,胡诚,林业高校气象学课程思政教学初探,新教育时代电子杂志(教师版),2021,08. |