目前共发表文章SCI论文10余篇,其中第一作者7篇,相关成果以第一作者身份发表在Oikos、Plant and Soil、Ecosystems、Science of Total Environment和Land Degradation and Development等期刊上。担任Land Degradation and Development、Rhizosphere等期刊审稿人。 1. Zhang, L., Cappelli, S. L., Huang, M., Liu, X., Xiao, Y., Cardou, F., ... & Zhou, S. (2023). Intraspecific trait variability mediates the effect of nitrogen addition and warming on aboveground productivity. Oikos, e09559. 2. Zhang L, Ni M, Zhu T, Xu X, Zhou S, Shipley B. (2022). Nitrogen addition in a Tibetan alpine meadow increases intraspecific variability in nitrogen uptake, leading to increased community-level nitrogen uptake. Ecosystems, 25: 172–183 3.Zhang L, Liu X, Zhou SR*, Shipley B. (2022). Explaining variation in productivity requires intraspecific variability in plant height among communities. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15: 310–319. 4. Zhang L, Zhu T, Liu X, Nie M, Xu X, Zhou S*. (2020). Limited inorganic N niche partitioning by nine alpine plant species after long-term nitrogen addition. Science of The Total Environment, 718, 137270. 5. Zhang L, Pang R, Xu X*, Ouyang H. (2019). Three Tibetan grassland plant species tend to partition niches with limited plasticity in nitrogen use. Plant and Soil, 441(1-2), 601-611. 6. Zhang, L., Unteregelsbacher, S., Hafner, S., Xu, X., Schleuss, P. M., Miehe, G., & Kuzyakov, Y. (2017). Fate of organic and inorganic nitrogen in crusted and non‐crusted Kobresia grasslands. Land Degradation & Development, 28(1), 166-174. 7. Zhang L, Liu Q, Tian Y, Xu X*, Ouyang H. (2016). Kin selection or resource partitioning for growing with siblings: implications from measurements of nitrogen uptake. Plant and Soil, 398(1-2), 79–86. 等
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